
Go South Go Local and discover everything the City of Onkaparinga has to offer.

The ‘Go South Go Local’ campaign has been developed by the City of Onkaparinga to support local businesses, showcase the remarkable range of products and services in our region, uncover hidden gems and share the incredible stories of the Onkaparinga community.

And there are plenty of reasons to get on board.

Home to over 10,000 thriving businesses - each adding its own unique twist - our local eateries, stores, accommodations, agencies, offices and sheds are filled with passionate people that form the backbone of our local community.

But it's more than just commerce; it's about building connected communities.

Because when you choose to shop, work, eat and play in our local region, you're not just making a purchase - you're directly contributing to the growth of our local economy, creating jobs AND making sure our vibrant townships, main streets and neighbourhoods remain sustainable for years to come.

So why not join us in making a difference, one local choice at a time! 

Local businesses in Onkaparinga

Ready to get involved? Let's go!